Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Ok, I admit that the only reason that I actually noticed it was May 5th today, is the date has a different meaning to me than, well, whatever it is that Cinco de Mayo actually is all about. It just happens to be the day that Craig and I started dating, way back in 2001. That's right, it's been seven years! Of course we celebrate our wedding anniversary, and in passing mention Valentines Day to one another each year, but that day is particulary special to me.

Starting our dating relationship was a very serious decision for us. We knew how we both felt about dating, relationships, and marriage, and how much weight we put on friendships in general. Moving to that new level was a big step for us, one that we didn't at all take lightly. In turns out, for us dating was almost a bigger decision than marriage. Don't misunderstand me here, what I mean is: we put a lot of time and prayer into the decision of becoming a couple at the beginning, and God really blessed that for us. It wasn't long into our relationship that we both realized we had found "the one" we were meant to be with. I was really thankful that God made it crystal clear to me, and for once in my life, I didn't feel indecisive! So happy Cinco de Mayo, and may God give you clarity in all your relationship too!

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